Iconectiv is a telecom company that creates back end systems that help cell phone carriers work together in the same market. In fact, many of our everyday communications would not be possible with out them. They maintain the technology that ensures I can text my friend on a different service provider, or when a teenager in Peru gets their first cell phone they don’t get a number that is already being used, and that a brand often shop can text me a promotion when they know I’m near their flagship store. My work with Iconectiv began with a unique request — to refresh their brand starting with their icon system first. Iconectiv had seen the work done on the 102 Hours book, and wanted to apply a similar approach to explain their business. Knowing iconography transcends all language barriers, they knew it was a key tool in communicating globally. A variety of options were explored and we settled on a direction inspired by the thin red line of the Iconectiv identity. These line drawings became easily adaptable to stylistic treatments, allowing the icons flexibility to evolve with the brand over time. Our next task was to refresh the brand with an updated style guide for everything from white papers and trade show materials to digital presentations. The creative brief called for an approach that would show a human side in all their communications. ‘Overcoming all barriers to connect people’ arose as the perfect positioning statement for the brand. All the photography highlights simple yet profound everyday moments. The style guide also gave them tools to highlight their messaging — such as how to use photographs and color overlays alongside iconography to highlight messaging and seperate product families. Stay tuned for the Iconectiv website, currently under development.